Monday, February 13, 2012

Skiing at Wolf Mountain

Greg took Paton skiing today...Paton's first time at a legit ski area. Since Paton is under 5, he was able to ski for free and the ski area has a magic carpet to ride up the beginners slope (not really even a hill) so Greg doesn't have to hike it up every time they go down.

It was wonderful to see and hear how much Paton loves to ski! Each time they'd go down, Paton would say, "Again, Daddy" or "Faster, Daddy." He was shaking with excitement as he watched the other skiers go down the slope, sympathizing when someone fell down, and shouting at me from the magic carpet incoherent 2 1/2 yr toddler speak. When you watch the video, you can hear Paton scream, "Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

And since we own our ski equipment and since Mondays and Wednesday are family/friends ski day, the entire morning of fun cost us a whopping $5.

Below is the top of the magic carpet. It's a nice alternative to riding the chair lift.

Riding the magic carpet back to the top.

Daddy was pretty worn out holding Paton up the whole time. But Paton didn't seem to realize that as he consistently shouted, "Faster!"

Took the pic during a sneeze!


  1. We are so excited!!! Glad to see you finally have enough snow to ski.

  2. So happy to see Paton on the slopes! Looks like he didn't want to stop! I love it when I see Father and Son together! Next year he'll be going down alone with Daddy beside him!
