Wednesday, January 4, 2012


Back in December, I received a call from my clinic informing me that my doctor no longer worked for them and that now I'd be given to a new doctor. However, since many were in my situation, I wouldn't get to meet him until January (week 32 in my pregnancy). I struggled with my emotions because I was already in my 3rd trimester and considered a high risk pregnancy due to my placental abruption when my son was born. Would this new doctor take this seriously? Would he be cautious and consider my worries and fears in this situation? After all, we were about 20 minutes away from losing my son when he was born in 2009. I didn't want to face that again.

So...imagine my relief and joy to discover that Dr. Smithing wants to be safe rather than sorry. He wants to see me every week and do a non-stress test each appointment. In addition, he'd like me to see a specialist in order to carefully observe my placenta and amniotic fluids. This way, we'll have a better idea on which birth method to pursue.

I had to chuckle when he read my medical records from Paton's birth. He remarked, "Wow. You had a little bit of everything, didn't you?" And through all that, God gave me a healthy (albeit preemie-sized) little boy. My mom was reminding me the other day that when I'm ready to pull my hair out with Paton, I just need to remember to thank the Lord that he's alive. Keep my time with him in perspective. With that in mind, I began browsing through my photos of Paton's first few days.

 Our first family picture--post emergency C-section!

 Our little boy was 4 lbs. 12 oz. when he was born. Once we left the hospital, he was 4 lbs. 9 oz. But the Lord was so gracious to keep him from any kind of complication...even jaundice!

 Our little peanut.

The nurses weren't sure he would pass the car seat test. Since he was so small, they wondered if he'd be able to hold up his head enough to breath. No worries...our little peanut did splendidly! I love how big the paci is compared to his head!

Thank-you Lord for giving us Paton, and we completely trust you to keep baby Charlotte in the palm of your hand...regardless of the outcome.


  1. Thanks so much for sharing this, Danielle. I am so thankful for your new doctor's carefulness and attention to detail. Our third little man (born in May) was an emergency C (uterian rupture). It was definitely God Who spared his life and made us overwhelmingly thankful for each of the boys. Praying for little Charlotte and you. So precious to see these picks of Paton. With love, michelle

  2. Danielle--LOVED your blog entry--- especially the part of complete trust in our Lord "regardless of the outcome." He always knows exactly what we need and He loves us so much more than we can fully understand. Love you! You are in my prayers!!

    Cindy Brockmann

  3. Honey, Thanks for reminding us of our Lord's tender mercies. Sometimes I get caught up with the things of this world and all I need is a gentle reminder of God's sovereignty. Hoping your day is a good day. Enjoy your co. Love you, Mom.
