Thursday, March 3, 2011

Paton's New Toy

Since we live in a smaller condo, rotating out Paton's toys is a necessity. He was becoming a bit disinterested in the toys that had been in his room for several months, so yesterday I went to the storage shed to retrieve some others. Paton's Nana and Papa gave this to him for Christmas. Interestingly enough, his room isn't big enough for all of the little compartments, so I just set up the main room, tunnel, and side room. Notice the ball's his favorite part.

We're doing well over here. In fact, this morning we're going to look at another house. Four bedrooms, two baths...we'll see. The current owners purchased it just last September, so it's curious that they're selling it so soon since we were told that they weren't flippers. I'm doing my best not to get emotionally involved with the houses we look at and make offers on. I did that in the beginning and it really wore on me. So now I'm adopting a more casual, trusting in the Lord attitude. If God wants us to have it, he'll make it clear.

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