Monday, February 14, 2011


Here are a few photos to catch you up on things.
 Paton can be very content sitting on the couch watching Handy Manny. I don't mind since it helps me get a lot done. Laundry, cleaning, Bible study questions, church bulletin prep, scheduling, etc., are all things that I can get done while he's being such a good boy.

 Where's Waldo? He figured out how to get behind the curtain and enjoyed pounding on the glass doors.
It was so cute I had to snap a picture.

 When it gets quiet in Paton's room, I sneak over to check on him. Often I catch him just like this...reading.

On a routine drive through the canyon, I spotted my first bald eagle viewed in the wild. I've seen them in zoos plenty of times but never in their natural habitat.


  1. Love the pictures of Paton behind the curtains and reading in his room. Sure wish I could meet him!

  2. If one we could get you out here! Miss you Lola!
