My husband ran a half marathon this past weekend, and now I'm motivated! So I registered for the Drop 13 Salt Lake-Half Marathon in June. As an additional motivation to the finishers medal, the race is offering another medal to finishers who either drop 13 pounds by race day or drop 13 minutes off of their fastest half marathon time. After much discussion with my husband, I figured I'd try for both options. My fastest half marathon so far (I've run two) is 2 hours 14 minutes. Then, doing the math in my head, in order to lose 13 pounds by race day, I will need to lose 1.85 pounds per week. Doable...but challenging considering my track record for losing pounds.
So, in order to be accountable to something, I will journal my progress each week up to the race on June 15.
Day 1. Monday. April 29. 6am. Training workout--run 6 miles. My husband challenged me to run the first mile at my goal race speed-9 minute miles. I ran it in 8:45. Not bad. Checked my time half way through--27:30. That means I averaged 9:10 for miles 1-3. My finishing time after 6 miles was 56:44. So sub-10's was what I was hoping for. That way, after several weeks of training, perhaps I can get to 9's!
How did I feel? Pretty lousy when I reached mile 4. My lungs and legs ached right around mile 5. During cool-down, my eyes felt like they were bugging out of my head. Strange sensation.'
Overall, I'm pretty happy with those results. Tomorrow.....I dread. It's speed. Yuck.
Day 2. Tuesday. April 30. 6:45am. Training workout--interval sprints at the track. 10 minute jog warm up first. Then 100 yd sprints with 100 yd walk. Do that six times. Then run 400 yds in 2 minutes. Jog 200 yds. Run again 400 yds with 200 yd jog. That process is done six times-each time trying to come in on the runs at 2 minutes exactly. Easier said than done. I did my first 400 in 1:58. The second was at 2:07. The other four were around 2:03 or so. The cool down was supposed to be a 10 minute light jog. I walked.
How did I feel? Worn out, but happy with making it through all six 400's.
Day 3. Wednesday. May 1. Today was supposed to be muscle (shoulders, biceps, and triceps), but I didn't end up doing anything.
Day 4. Thursday. May 2. 6am. Training workout--long run. For me right now, my long run was 8.3 miles. I haven't run that far in several months, but I was hopeful that I could do 10 minute miles. I ran it in a little longer than 10 minute miles. A few dogs charged out of their garage during my run. They seemed pretty upset at first, but then were super excited I was there. The dogs followed me for about 3/4 of a mile and then went home.
It was so cold! 19 degrees when I started! Had one car not make any room for me on the road. Folks like that make me a little mad. Thankfully, they aren't the majority.
How did I feel? Pretty worn out. My knees were stiffening up on the drive home. As always, very happy with my endurance. Lungs felt good until the last mile or so. Legs felt okay. Not too sore. knees really ache.
Day 5. Friday. May 3. 12pm. P90X Shoulders & Arms along with Ab Ripper X. Weigh in tomorrow sometime.
Day 6. Saturday. May 4. 7am. Attempted a hike/run with Ollie (Cairn terrier I'm dogsitting). Went well until Ollie got some burrs stuck in his fur and he obsessed over them. The hike/run didn't last the 40 minutes I wanted it to. More like 35 minutes.
Weight loss for the week--none. Super discouraging to work my butt off this week and not lose. My husband reminds me that the body resists change....and it really has been just one week.