Friday, June 29, 2012

Pioneer Bible Camp

Whew! I finished off All Girls Week at Pioneer Bible Camp this morning. What a wonderful week! God was clearly working on many of the girls' hearts, and it was so encouraging to watch the changing. My mother-in-law flew in for this week in order to watch my kiddos so that I could be a part of camp without home obligations. She was such a wonderful Nana to give of her time in this way. Her other granddaughter came with her...Zoe. She's 6 months older than Paton and the two of them get along so well.

Our friend, Cathy, took these pics of the kids. She and Katrina are such a blessing to watch them so that I could prepare for VBS last week and camp this week. Anyway, Cathy cut a pool noodle in half and created a marble slide out of it. This toy has provided much entertainment for Paton. Then she shot a pic of Charlotte holding her bottle all by herself. NOOOOOOOOO......I don't want her to grow up that fast!!

Nana took these of the cousins together. Their hands are by their heads b/c Nana was shielding her eyes from sun as she took the picture. Zoe and Paton are imitating her.

Zoe helping Paton stuff his sock with marbles.....

.....and then she blogged about the process.

Friends of ours let us borrow their 4 wheeler so that I could get up to camp and back without using one of our cars. Pioneer Bible Camp is just up the dirt road, so it's not a far ride. Greg's mom is getting a ride, and Paton just loved riding with Daddy!

Cathy crafted these gifts for the kids. She doesn't really know Zoe but didn't want to leave her out. The kids loved their surprise! Thank-you, Cathy!

Greg and Nana brought the kids up to camp to visit me one morning.

 Dogs are very scary things for Zoe, so after watching Paton and Uncle Greg pat the dog, she was able to give it a very short but sweet pat on the head!

 Both kids got to see the camp's pigs...they feed on the campers' leftovers.

T-ball followed the camp visit...

...running the bases...

...and then tackling the coach!

Zoe's Greek lesson....her name.

Charlotte has been eating rice cereal for a couple of weeks now. It's really made this child sleep through the night so well!!!

Greg and Nana took the kids to a church member's home to see cows.

And then Nana took them to Kangaroo Zoo this morning.

My guess is that Nana is going to need a nap after this week!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

VBS, Church Picnic, Nana & Zoe

What a busy week we have just finished up! Our church's annual VBS was held last week from 6-8:30 each evening. Since I have two fairly young children, I was limited in how I could help. That's been a real growing experience for me, by the way. Not being able to be at each ministry helping in the way that I'm used to helping since I have two little ones. There have been some dear friends, though, who have encouraged me by reminding me of my main family.

I was able to tag team along w/ my hubby the Bible teaching for the older kids. He taught MWF and I taught TTh, plus I also was the final score updater at the end of each evening. Below is one of our dear ladies helping me with Charlotte.

Around mid week we visited a family in our church who just bought a pig (not for a pet...for slaughter at the end of the summer). Paton had never been up close and personal with a pig before, so I thought it would be a fun experience. The pig looks just like Wilbur!

We paint our own VBS props using the over head projector, large pieces of cardboard, and willing painting volunteers.

The Saturday after VBS ended, my mother-in-law and niece flew in from the South to visit us! I had actually asked Karen if she minded flying out here to take care of my kids while I speak at Pioneer Bible Camp. It's their "All Girls Week" starting tomorrow, and I was asked to be the speaker. My mother-in-law was happy to oblige, and we got the added bonus of her other granddaughter coming with her. Zoe is Greg's brother's daughter, and she and Paton get along very well together. Below is the "before church" pic. Such cuties!

Our church picnic was this afternoon following the worship service and this was my dessert contribution. Ice cream cone cakes...cones w/ cake batter, frosted w/ sprinkles. Funny thing though...the kids ate all of them except the cones w/ the clear sprinkles. What is it about multicolored sprinkles that makes food more enjoyable? Perhaps I'll put sprinkles on green beans and see what happens.

My mother-in-law took Zoe and Paton to the grocery store and you may notice on Paton's forehead his souvenir from the trip. After he got home, he immediately wanted to show me is owie and then said, "It's okay, Mommy. It happens." I'm glad he's a trooper b/c it looks painful!

Upcoming...I'll teach at camp this week. Greg teaches at camp next week during their junior high week. And then perhaps by mid July I can recover from all of this!!!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fun summer so far!

I've really enjoyed our summer so far, it really has just begun!

This no mess paint by Crayola has been wonderful. Paton could get this clear paint on anything in the house without a problem, but once it comes in contact with the special paper the colors appear! It also allows for mixing of colors.

Daddy helped Paton make his first fort in our house. Paton was pretty excited about it.

The town next to ours in the valley has a tremendous park, so one Friday I called a bunch of moms together to play there one morning. It was so much fun for Paton to be with friends. He really is a social creature.

I love dressing the kids up for church. The outfits above was provided by our friends Cathy and Katrina.

This past Saturday our family went to Summer Fest in Logan. Once a year, Logan hosts what could be described as a huge farmer's market. The food area is especially wonderful.

Paton and Charlotte were taken to the zoo by Cathy and Katrina...this gave me plenty of time to finalize my lessons for when I speak at "All Girls Week" at Pioneer Bible Camp. This will be the first time I do something like this...speaking to around 40 girls 8 times while they are at camp. I'm really looking forward to it!

While at the Summer Fest, I picked up these crochet hats from "Sweet Kiwi Crochet." She's really talented and I loved putting the kids in her hats! I bought them a little big so they'd fit come winter time.

Happy Father's Day to a wonderful Daddy!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Mowing with Daddy

For Paton's 3rd birthday, my husband got him a bubble lawn mower. I was especially excited about this because my brothers and I had one when we were little. We loved pushing our mower behind Dad as he mowed the yard....the bubbles coming out was a bonus!

Below is a video of Paton's excitement!