Last year's Hoedown was rained out so we had to have it in the church (a real bummer when one considers the fun of having it outside). So this year I was thrilled when the weather report showed only a 10% chance for rain. Each family brought food, and we all enjoyed a wonderful time of eating and greeting!
Below Paton is sitting in Mary Kate's lap for the hayride. She's a really good babysitter for Paton, and he loved the hayride. I wasn't nervous at all about him jumping off, for you see, that would have completely ended his fun. In fact, once or twice when the four-wheeler stopped to add or subtract people, I could see her asking him if he was done. A vigorous shake of the head showed that certainly wasn't finished riding!
Greg and I made an effort to dress up hoedown-ish this year. Last year we had only been here two months or so and didn't have the stuff we needed. This year, I even had cowboy boots (how folks wear them all the time amazes feet were so sore afterwards!)
The trampoline was a little much for Paton when he wasn't holding our hand. In fact, at the start he wanted to do it himself and had to learn the hard way that he's only 2. After that experience, he wouldn't let go our hands!
Humorously, Paton didn't get the idea of eating the apple off of the tree. He just grabbed one and took a big bite! Apples are one of his favorite foods!
Not to be outdone by his friend Jonathan (a year younger than him), Paton rode a horse for the first time. We didn't even have to hold him while he rode. I wish you could have seen him shake with excitement!
Even Mommy rode!
The adults are having their turn at seed-spitting.
A long thirsty day is satisfied.