Greg and I were able to take our friend Christine to the University of Utah and help her move into her dorm! Since it was in the morning, we brought Paton along. He enjoyed checking out the bed for appropriate sponginess.
This is only the beginning of Christine's stuff.
Paton probably didn't feel Momma put the clothes in the closet correctly, so he was inspecting my progress.
Greg and Christine did all of the lifting. Even if I could have helped, Paton kept me busy enough running all over the dorm halls.
Thankfully, they were able to get one of those rolly cart things to speed the moving up a bit.
Again, Paton is helping Christine unload. We really had a good time, and I found myself envying Christine as she started out on this new adventure of life called college. My own college career was wonderful, and I wouldn't have minded doing it again....except for the tests...I could do without them.