Tuesday, August 30, 2011

On a hot summer day

On a hot summer day there is nothing better than water. Yesterday was such a day.

Without any leading from me, he discovered the joy of putting one's head in the stream of water.

And then the sign of entering childhood--drinking from the hose!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Fixing the chimney

Greg and Dom are spending the day today fixing the chimney. We're not sure what exactly the issue is, so the guys are fixing every problem possible. Water leaks in through the fireplace but only after days and days of rain.

While the guys were on the roof, Paton and I picked some of the last of the raspberries in our backyard. It was getting hot early, so we didn't stay out long.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

U of U

Greg and I were able to take our friend Christine to the University of Utah and help her move into her dorm! Since it was in the morning, we brought Paton along. He enjoyed checking out the bed for appropriate sponginess. 

This is only the beginning of Christine's stuff.

Paton probably didn't feel Momma put the clothes in the closet correctly, so he was inspecting my progress.

Greg and Christine did all of the lifting. Even if I could have helped, Paton kept me busy enough running all over the dorm halls.

Thankfully, they were able to get one of those rolly cart things to speed the moving up a bit.

Again, Paton is helping Christine unload. We really had a good time, and I found myself envying Christine as she started out on this new adventure of life called college. My own college career was wonderful, and I wouldn't have minded doing it again....except for the tests...I could do without them.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Dinner with friends

After the Tour of Utah, Ken and Judy invited us over to their house for dinner the next evening. As soon as Paton stepped out of the car, he shouted, "Fire!" and headed straight for the fire container. Instead of a fire pit, they had a neat contraption that contains the fire and has a lid to put over the top so little ones didn't fall in! Anyway, we let the kiddos roast hotdogs for dinner, and we adults had brawts from the grill. For dessert, we made smores!

Daddy was amusing Izzy and Paton with wagon rides. I wish I had taken a picture of when Izzy got out of the wagon and pulled Paton around. It was adorable! We found it funny that the girl in this friendship was doing the labor! If she stopped, Paton would shout, "Pull!" and if Paton got out of the wagon, Izzy would command, "Sit, En" (her way of saying Paton's name).

I wish Izzy lived closer b/c the two of them got along so well! They have much in common, including throwing handfuls of rocks in the driveway and laughing hysterically at themselves.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Tour of Utah

It's been officially one year since we moved to Utah. It's easy to remember this because one of the first things we did last year was attend the annual Tour of Utah. The Tour is a highly-prized six-day sporting event and festival with international significance. Some of the best professional cyclists in the world battle across the most beautiful terrain along the western Rocky Mountains in Utah. Stage 1 of the five stages is hosted in Ogden and the Ogden Valley. With three complete ascents of the infamous North Ogden Pass Road, racers will most certainly not gently ease in to the 2011 race. Included in the 116 mile, three-lap road race will be a clockwise tour of the lovely Eden Valley and Pineview Reservoir. After a gentle descent through Ogden Canyon the course will take in a quick circuit of downtown Ogden affording spectators multiple viewing opportunities before the race once again heads north to confront the nearly 3,000 foot climb out of the valley.

This first picture is of the police and other blocking off the road for the cyclists. We're situated right at a T in the road and had a great view!

The Ken and Judy (Oma and Opa) were the ones who invited Paton and I to join them for this play date with their grandchildren (Owen and Izzy). So when the racers passed, we went to the park right across the street and had lunch.

Izzy is exactly one day older than Paton, and the two of them got along great!

Here she's feeding Paton his milk.

Who needs a playground when you have bleachers?

"Mommy, colors?"

We've entered into the world of bring a sack full of things whenever we go to a restaurant (which isn't too often). The favorite item recently is giving Paton paper on which to "color." This particular time I brought only a pen b/c I didn't want to be chasing crayons from under the table all evening. He doesn't enjoying coloring alone though. Often Paton will give you the pen or crayon insisting that you "color balloons." Drawing balloons is one of his favorite things for you to do. He loves to count them and then scribble all over them.

Just the other day, I found him here on the auto-man coloring on his own.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Greg and I had a very busy July, so Greg decided to take me on a date at Causey Reservoir to go kayaking! Apparently no motorized boats are allowed on this reservoir, so it's really peaceful. According to www.waterquality.utah.gov, "Causey is one of the most scenic and beautiful reservoirs in Utah. It is nestled in steep valley terrain, and travel into these areas is inspiring with shear vertical walls and heavily forested areas. Most of the area has the appearance of remote wilderness." We borrowed Pioneer Bible Camp's kayaking materials and headed out!