Sunday, May 22, 2011

Paton is 2!

Paton turned two on Saturday, and to kill two birds with one stone, we decided to have a birthday/open house and invited the whole church! Obviously not everyone could come, but it was a blast anyway! About 20 people came. Normally, I like to  make Paton's cake, but moving into our house the weekend before and unpacking my house made for a time-consuming week. No matter...the Valley Market made the cake for a reasonable price, and that really made life easier on me.

I love our new home! The Lord has been so good to us in giving us a home that we could entertain in but not break the bank in the meantime. He is so good to us!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Skateboards, corn, and basketball

 Paton and Daddy. As you can see, riding on the shoulders is becoming much more comfortable for Paton. Below, Paton is learning how to skateboard.

 I gave Paton my leftover corncob just to see how he'd do with it. He loved it! Too bad it doesn't digest very well. Below, Paton loves playing basketball, and he makes 80% of his shots! I'm amazed!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Nature Walk

At the North Arm Trailhead there are a few paths one can take for a nature walk. These trails are especially popular with bird watchers. On our walk, Paton and I saw osprey! We didn't get too close b/c I didn't want them to be scared off from their nests. It was such a beautiful day that Friday we had to take advantage of it.

Paton was terrified to be on my shoulders. It only took a few minutes to show him how fun it could be. Once, and only once, he released his death-grip on my head and let out a squeal of delight.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

First Hair Cut

 I originally wanted to hold out until Paton was 2 before we gave him his first hair cut, but lately his hair had been getting into his eyes and bothering him. So, like a good mom, I wanted to relieve him of this bother. We went to a place in Ogden, and it certainly was an experience. He immediately hated it.  Mommy was too far away and a strange lady was messing with his head.

It took three people to try and get this haircut finished! The first one didn't know what she was doing, so the Thai owner quickly took over and make short work of Paton's hair. She did a great job.

 Mommy was a little worn out by it all, especially since Paton refused to be consoled afterwards. He was hungry, tired, and fed up with everything. Perfect storm.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Last of April

After 20 minutes of silence from Paton's room, I decided to go downstairs and investigate....this is what I found. My little boy asleep on the floor. He was coming off of a week with two sets of grandparents and Greg's ordination. A lot of stimulation wears on a boy!

This chair was a perfect size for Paton! We're at Jeremiah's Restaurant waiting for friends of our to arrive.

April's ladies event was our Ladies Night In. I organized several games and we enjoyed ice cream w/ a multitude of toppings! Below the ladies are playing "Handbag Bingo."

We had a VBS organizational meeting at church on Saturday. This giant bear sits atop one of our cupboards in the paper/printing room. Not sure where it came from but Paton sure loves him. It's almost as big as he is!