Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Paton's term for a balloon is "maaaa-ooon." He dearly loves his maoons, and Daddy decided to capitalize on this. Sunday after church he brought home a balloon that had Handy Manny on it. Initially it caused Paton some serious grief since he really doesn't understand balloons that are filled with helium, but Daddy rigged a clever way to keep the balloon closer to him. Ever since, maoon and Paton have been inseparable.

Friday, March 25, 2011

It's been an interesting week

I went in to Paton's room last Saturday morning to discover a crib reeking of vomit. Even though the little boy was sick, he was in such a chipper mood! The flu bug went away Monday, but then came the cold. Since then he's developed a terrible cough (from the post nasal drip) and an on-again-off-again fever. Paton and I missed church on Sunday and Awana on Wednesday night. It remains to be seen if we'll be at church this Sunday since I am now cringing as I hear his terrible cough.

We had a ski trip scheduled for yesterday (Thursday) but had to put it off until today since I got a bit of the flu on Wednesday, and Paton wasn't doing well. Today he was better but not great. The folks who gave us the ski tickets were adamant that they wanted to take care of Paton though he be sick so that Greg and I could enjoy a day together. We did have a wonderful time and are thankful for their generosity.

 It was snowing, and you might be able to see the snow building in Greg's beard.

It was crazy hair night in Awana this week. I was very disappointed that I missed it for I had big plans for my hair. Greg combed his like he used to in the sixth grade. Quite the ladies man...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Ladies Night Out and Sushi

The ladies from our church got together Saturday night and went to Windy's Sukiyaki (a Japanese Restaurant). What a great time of fellowship we had together! We get together once a month for a time of fellowship and refreshment.

 The chairs had no legs and rested on the floor. The floor under the table was hollowed out so that our legs could dangle. When I first walked in, I thought we were all going to have to sit that close together with no room for our legs!

 I did not master the chopsticks as quickly as some of the other ladies.

 Several who did not like sushi and such chose a chicken, beef, shrimp ensemble.

 This was my plate. The dark red meat was salmon, the yellow was a sweet omelet (did not taste like egg, though), the white meat w/ a black band around it was octopus (a little tough), the one on the right end was shrimp, bottom left of the shrimp was squid (my favorite), top left of the shrimp was yellowtail (not bad), and left bottom from the octopus was....I forget now.

 Julie and I also got a side of green mussels. I could probably eat an entire place of mussels. Yum! Who knew I'd be such a fan of raw fish!

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Days

Paton enjoys playing with Daddy. You may notice his little head sticking out of the blanket. Upon sliding off of the couch, Paton promptly made a comfy bed out of the blanket that was on the floor.

It was so nice outside Saturday I just had to take him out to play. The grass is still covered w/ a foot of snow, so we contented ourselves with the parking lot. Collecting rocks and throwing them into the sewer was great fun.

This is Prince. I run/walk him for a friend of ours who is recovering from a hospital stay.

Sunday morning I went looking around for the moose and they were still visiting our condo! Below is the cow and the last photo is of the calf.

Saturday, March 12, 2011


This is why I always keep my camera in my purse. Upon coming home from Men's Prayer Breakfast (I made the breakfast), I discovered that I couldn't park in my spot b/c'll see....

That's my silver Jeep! Paton and I were pulled over in our Buick waiting for the moose to move so we could park. I love Utah.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Paton's New Toy

Since we live in a smaller condo, rotating out Paton's toys is a necessity. He was becoming a bit disinterested in the toys that had been in his room for several months, so yesterday I went to the storage shed to retrieve some others. Paton's Nana and Papa gave this to him for Christmas. Interestingly enough, his room isn't big enough for all of the little compartments, so I just set up the main room, tunnel, and side room. Notice the ball's his favorite part.

We're doing well over here. In fact, this morning we're going to look at another house. Four bedrooms, two baths...we'll see. The current owners purchased it just last September, so it's curious that they're selling it so soon since we were told that they weren't flippers. I'm doing my best not to get emotionally involved with the houses we look at and make offers on. I did that in the beginning and it really wore on me. So now I'm adopting a more casual, trusting in the Lord attitude. If God wants us to have it, he'll make it clear.